Using BM25 algorithm we can build a quick search system. Here's a quick POC on how to do that. Link to the notebook
Using BM25 algorithm we can build a quick search system. Here's a quick POC on how to do that. Link to the notebook
This repo has a POC of a MNIST classification model with quantization. The goal was to speed inference and reduce model size. I was able to reduce inference time more than 80x times.
This notebook has a summary about recommender systems evaluation and how to use the beir benchmark in IR POC. There is presented how to perform incremental indexing, to avoid reindexing the full index, after each new query.
This repo has a small experience with the open source diffusion model from Hugging Face. The image above was created by "A Panda playing chess."
I am currently working on this field of ML. Inside you will find experiences with several recommender systems tecniques
With Mlflow tracking you can organize all your ML project experiences in one single platform. Read the article to know more and click the github icon to access the repo.
This repo contains my studies with images. At this pois I play around with DNN and CNN. Plz check repo to check the code.
In this notebook, I show an example of a recommender_systems built with ALS (alternating least squares) and implemented in spark. Used spark-SQL and spark-ML.
In this notebook, I show an example of a forecasting exercise using a Bidirectional LSTM. The dataset used is based on the city of London shared bikes. Plz check the notebook for more details.
In this notebook,I explain how to develop a linear regression model from scratch. I explain how the gradient descend is calculated and implemented.
In this notebook, I explain how to setup a spark streamming pipeline. I showcase a example using hate speach detection from twiter feeds.
In this notebook, I explain how to setup a kafka worker on my machine.
With this tutorial, I was able to create my first docker image, and to build, test and deploy a python application. The idea now is to apply this knowledge in next deploys of my portfolio.
To build the number guesser project I had to develop the draw tool in pygame. Here is the small project I did to learn the basic skills.
Here I tried to give a second life to my 5yrs old laptop by moving from windows to Ubuntu 18.04 and then to 20.04. Also replaced the thermal paste and clean the dust.